Specialist Tenancy Services
We are an NDIS Registered SDA Provider. We will help you find disability housing of your choice.
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How We Could Help
We are an NDIS Registered SDA Provider
Specialist Tenancy Services (STS) has been active in the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) space and hands-on tenancy management for people with a disability since 2017. We have particular strengths in understanding the NDIS and SDA complexities.
STS is a Registered SDA Provider focussed exclusively on tenancy and property management for people with a disability who have approval to receive SDA payments as part of their NDIS plan.
We locate and manage
We locate and manage accessible residential accommodation to provide participants with dwellings that promote the highest possible level of independence. STS works across all housing databases to help find the best solution for participants.
Purpose-built accessible accommodation combined with appropriate support, when it’s needed, is critical in helping people live safely, independently and with dignity.
We work with our client's best interest at heart
We work closely with the Participant, their supports and their family while locating and arranging the preferred accommodation.
To achieve that, we collaborate with:
Participants and their Supports
Support Coordinators
Occupational Therapists
Housing Providers
Care Organisations
About Us
STS is a Registered SDA Provider focussed exclusively on tenancy management for people with a disability. We are passionate about working alongside people with a disability to find housing of their choice.
Living in inappropriate housing can add unnecessary challenges to participating in work or study and in the community while maintaining independence. That is why purpose-built accessible accommodation combined with appropriate support, when it’s needed, is critical in helping people live safely, independently and with dignity.
The correct accommodation can be a key factor in supporting participants to maximise control of their everyday living environment.
Our services play an important role in achieving the stated goal of the NDIS to support the independence and social and economic participation of people with a disability.
STS operates anywhere in Australia as the SDA Rules are the same for all locations.